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Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe, CA to Lassen Volcanic National Park, CA; approximately 200 miles.. After packing up our first camp, we head up the west side of the lake towards Tahoe city, where we plan to get breakfast at a restaurant Geoff knows, called Rosie's.
First Camp site. Here I stand looking like I'm doing something.
Here is the restaurant, called Rosie's. The interior is decorated with antique bicycles, dozens of them.
We rode into Truckee, CA, resupplied and continued north on Hwy 89. The entire length of 89 is a fairly decent ride and very scenic. Geoff spotted some train infrastructure, so we dismounted and hiked around to get a view. Some pretty cool stuff in this area. Some dates found in the concrete work indicated that much of this was built back in the 20's.
A lake.
A lot of wide open spaces, so not the best road for my bike, but the view of Lassen distracts you enough to forget that I'm going 60 mph on a two wheeled riding lawn mower.
So now it gets fun again. National parks seem to mandate that all roads be very twisty and never over 45 mph. So... they are perfect for the TW, and I get to thoroughly enjoy the end of this day. Here is what you see from the south entrance.
Both bikes, midway up the park.
Due to us wanting to take a certain road from end to end on the way back home, we ended up taking this same road. After a couple of weeks, this frozen lake you see below had paddle boats on it... I am not sure if I have an "after" photo, so I thought I'd mention it now. Rather odd. Another change that occurred while traveling was about 8 miles of unfinished road; on the way up, it was slick oiled gravel, on the way down it was all smooth tarmac.
Our campsite for the night. At the north end of the park. Photo taken the next morning...
P.S. I added a bit more to the introduction section, concerning the idea for the trip...