So... For the few that may have been following this blog, I hit an unexpected snag soon after the introduction. My computer, on which resides my camera software, died a few months back. I have been limited to a small netbook without a disc reader, keeping me from installing my camera software. I have yet to discover a way to transfer the pictures from my camera's card, but I am sure there is a way, and I intend to find a solution soon.
The end of the school semester is next week, so my available time will increase drastically, possibly allowing my to get this thing rolling once again. It was an interesting trip and I'd like to document it, to preserve the memory, if nothing else. I know that there is a tremendous gap between this post and my last, but don't give up hope. I have good intentions, it is finding the time that remains difficult. And to be honest, I have a ridiculously poor memory, so bear with me.